Bürger, Suchverfahren und Analyse-Algorithmen in der politischen Meinungsbildung

»Learning intercultural aspects of information literacy: An experiential experiment involving German and Indian students«

Tessy Thadathil, Francis Jarman, Sophie März & Joachim Griesbaum
Symbiosis College Of Arts & Commerce, Pune & University of Hildesheim, Germany

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This video is part of the session »Learning intercultural aspects of information literacy: An experiential experiment involving German and Indian students« in the conference on “Information Literacy and Democracy” on 19th and 20thJune 2020.

The live session takes places on June 20th at 02.30 p.m. Central European Summer Time (CEST). If you want to join the live session, please send us an e-mail to infodem (at) uni-hildesheim.de.

You are cordially invited to discuss here. In this way, it is possible to provide feedback and pose statements and questions even before the live event.

Possible areas for discussion can be:

  • What do you think about the topic? What are your experience and assessment?
  • What have you learned watching the video?
  • What other aspects of the topic are important?

6 Kommentare

  1. Anonymous Guest

    Thank you for sharing the results from your experiment! There were some interesting insights and I was very surprised about the communication part of this whole experiment. You mentioned that the communication was mostly assessed as successful even though the participants could not rely so much on video conferencing. But I was wondering how took the main part of the communication place? Was it via dicussion forums on the E-Moodle platform?

    Furthermore it is interesting that to see that the collaboration was successful despite the many hurdles like timezone difference, communication and the higher coordination effort. In current times it has become even more important to learn to work together more effectively, which involves learning how to communicate better online and coordinate a collaboration in a virtual environment.

    I want to end with a content-related question: Why did you choose ‘fake new’, ‘privacy’ and ‘generational gaps of technology acquistion’ as topics for second phase in December of 2019?

  2. Anonymous Guest

    Thank you for giving us a short overview of what you have done in the experiment. It is interesting to see how different cultures working together on one project. The situation that we live in right now shows us, how important it is, to use the technology to communicate with each other. That’s why it’s necessary to know about the topics ‘fake news’, ‘privacy’ and ‘generational gaps of technology’.

    I’ve learned that It can be difficult to communicate over the sea by using the technology. The different time zones both groups are live in and the usage of another language shows me, that it’s not easy but as in all situations in life the effort people put in something can make it happen.

    For me it would have been nice to see some examples how you’ve communicated and how you’ve dealt with those problems you mentioned. I think with the knowledge we have right now, communicating through BBB for example, you maybe would have had less problems.
    I would like to know in which course the Indian participants are and how do they study right now under those circumstances we have?
    In my opinion it would be interesting to see an experiment where students work on a task to create something, for example a website or something like this.
    Different cultures should work more in common to profit from each other.

  3. Dora Sales

    Thanks for sharing this inspiring experience!

  4. Anonymous Guest

    Thank you for the informative instruction. I really enjoyed hearing about the experiment. India is a culture which is unfortunately still not so tangible for us and there is a lot to learn and discover. That’s why my interest in this experiment is really high and the joint learning space sounds exciting to me, because of the different perspectives we get out of this experiment.

    My attention was particularly encouraged by the point of general gaps of technology. I think most of the humans all around the world feel right now those gaps daily. We see and feel the benefits of working from home and communication through electronic devices but there is also some frustration visible. I hope in the live conference we can have discussed specially about this. Not only in the context of university and scientific but also the challenges in general. And how we can learn from the current situation. I think that the results of this experiment can give us a really nice base for knowledge. I am really looking forward for the live conference.

  5. Anonymous Guest

    Thank you for this interesting presentation! I think it is a great idea to combine the aspect of information literacy with the intercultural aspect as the problem of acquiring information literacy surpasses borders and concerns everyone in this digital age. To combine these two aspects with with a class to give students the opportunity to develop one’s information literacy further by exchanging ideas on how to find, evaluate and work on information is a great opportunity! It would have been interesting to hear from the students themselves how the communication took place. We saw some snippets from the students commenting on the difficulties communicating in a structural way with each other (this might also have to do with cultural differences?) and it would have been interesting to see if everyone had the same problems. Thank you for the insight into your work!

  6. G.O.

    At first, I would like to thank you for this presentation and especially for the the discussion afterwards. It is lovely to see different cultures working on one project through one medium. That shows us what we can and what we should do in the future. To communicate with another language in two different time zones through the technology can bring a lot of problems but your project was well organized because you’ve had a good structure in what you were doing.

    I wasn’t that surprised that the german students were well educated in terms of citation. Because that is one aspect which is important at german universities when it comes to scientific work. It would have been nice, if more german students work on this project to have an equal size of groups. But I hope that was not the last project where german and Indian students work together. At this point I also want to thank Sophie März, Meghna Dhawan abd Anja Jamwal. Because of you we had a deeper insight into your work to see what was good and what you/we should improve for the next time.

    Unfortunately, Mr. Jarman could not talk during the discussion because he had some technical issues. But he commented some helpful information about intercultural communication in the chat. In my opinion the virtual communication will “never” replace the face to face communication because there are some essential aspects missing. But to see what is possible right now is simply amazing. Intercultural communication is so important and that’s why we should have more projects like this, where different cultures could work together and especially help and get to know each other.
    That’s why we should start early and teach young people in information literacy skills.

    The following blog post has an interesting view to this topic:
    Stark, Andrew (2020): Developing a culture of information literacy. Available online:
    https://www.softlinkint.com/blog/developing-a-culture-of-information-literacy/ (last access: 06th of July 2020).

    Here is another interesting literature about the education of information literacy:
    Blas, E.A. (2014). Information Literacy in the 21st Century Multicultural Classroom: Using Sociocultural Literacy.

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